It is the player's responsibility to read and understand the By-Laws, event rules, and requirements.


  1. Members of the Whitnall Park Men's Golf Club (WPMGC) shall pay annual dues in such amount set by the Board of Directors of this club that is fixed for the calendar year.
  2. Annual dues shall be paid, in full, on or before March 31st of the calendar year. Dues received after this date will be charged a late payment fee in an amount set by the Board of Directors of this club that is fixed for the calendar year. (Currently annual dues are $100 when paid by March 31st.  After March 31st, dues are $125)
  3. Any member who is 60 years old by January 1st of the renewal year, shall be considered a "Senior Member" and will be given a $10 reduction in annual dues, provided their dues are paid in full by March 31st.  If paid after March 31st, dues are $125.
  4. New Members that have NEVER been in WPMGC are allowed to join at any time during the calendar year at a reduced cost of dues.  (For the current  season dues are $50 for new members)
  5. The Board of Directors has the given authority to raise or lower the annual dues and/or other fees.
  6. All Dues MUST be received by the treasurer on or before the requested due date as stated on the signup form to be eligible for the discount rate.
  7. Payments must be paid by check (make payable to Whitnall Park Men's Golf Club) and mailed to the club Treasurer or put in the Whitnall Park Men's Golf Club's Drop Box at Whitnall Park in the clubhouse, during the active golf season.  If event payments are not received by the due date, you will NOT be eligible to play in the event.  In the case of multiple player events, your team will play the event less the non-payment person (two-man events will be played by the single, four-man events will be played with paid players)


Unless otherwise stated for an event:

  1. Matches should be played at Whitnall Park Golf Course.  If an event cannot be played at Whitnall Park Golf Course, ALL contestants must agree on an alternate golf course.
  2. Holes not completed in a Match-play event are to be entered in the WSGA handicap system as par plus any stroke(s) that would be applied to the hole.  PER THE USGA "When a hole is started but a player does not hole out, the player must record their most likely score for handicap purposes (Rule 3.3, Rules of Handicapping).  If the match ends with holes left to play and the players continue to play, the actual scores must be posted on every hole played."
  3. The handicap used for club matches are the handicaps for the day the match is played from the WSGA.
  4. The date used to determine handicaps for club events will be taken on a day not more than one week before the event.
  5. Non-members are not allowed to play in any club events except those designated as "Guest Events".
  6. All members should follow the appropriate course dress code when participating in any club event.  Golf shirts with a traditional collar should be worn.  No denim/blue jeans.  The penalty for not following the dress code may result in disqualification from the event.  In the case of multiple player events, your team will play the event less the non-approved dress code person (two-man events will be played by the single, four-man events will be played with three players).
  7. All events may be played with any combination of tee boxes.  The tee box assigned to you may be based on your handicap INDEX, regardless of age.  Your handicap for the event would then be adjusted for the appropriate tee box.
  8. Target tees and index groupings, which may be adjusted by up to 2 percentage points based on Membership participation on an event by event basis, will initially be:
    1. Indexes of 0-9.9 --> Tees between 6,300 to 6,600 yards
    2. Indexes of 10-19.9 --> Tees between 5,900 to 6,299 yards
    3. Indexes of 20+ --> Tees between 5,200 to 5,899 yards
  9. Each tee box used for individual events will compete against only members playing from that tee box.  Depending on the number of players, multiple flights may be used.
  10. A player may elect to move back and select the back tee box.  That option will be available upon event signup.  Selection of a forward tee box will not be an option.
  11. For 2 and 4 man events the individuals will play from their assigned tee boxes based on handicap index and then adjusted handicap.
  12. Scores for home and away rounds shall be posted on the day played to your WSGA handicap in a hole-by-hole manner. Failure to not post scores in a timely manner may subject a person to become ineligible for any club outing or matches. Repeated violations of this rule can lead to expulsion from the club. Club events will automatically be posted to your handicap unless otherwise noted for an event.
    1. The first offense will be a verbal notice by the Handicap Chair or Board of Directors.
    2. The second offense will be a written notice by the Handicap Chair or Board of Directors.
    3. A third offense will subject a person to becoming ineligible for any further club events or matches until a Committee meets whereupon the Committee will determine the penalty. The Committee consists of the four elected officers and Handicap Chair.
    4. The offender will be given the right to appear before the Committee to appeal their case.
  13. Penalty Areas At Whitnall Park Golf Course during Men’s club events (Local club rule)
    1. All of 92nd Street and Whitnall Park Drive are considered to be Out of Bounds.  This includes the roads along holes 8 and 9 are Out of Bounds.
    2. All concrete and paving, including the clubhouse area, behind 9 and 18 greens.
    3. All holes as currently staked as they are will be played as normal.
    4. All other "fully wooded" and unmaintained areas are to be played as if they are red staked as a lateral hazard.
    5. Lateral relief allows you to drop a ball into a relief area measured from where your ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area. From that reference point, you are allowed to drop outside the penalty area and anywhere within two club-lengths of that spot, no nearer to the hole (see Rule 17.1d(3)). 
      1. This is to include the following holes:
        1. Hole 1 - Left Side, Right Side to the right of the individual trees.
        2. Hole 2 - Right side, Left side past hole 1 rough.
        3. Hole 10 - Left side past pine trees, up to and including the area behind the green
        4. Hole 11 - Left side
        5. Hole 12 - Left side
        6. Hole 14 - Right side, left and right behind green
        7. Hole 15 - left and right side
        8. Hole 18 - Left side
  14. Event Specific Rules
    1. Singles Club Championship
      1. The entry fee is $20 per person which is due by March 31st.  No sign-ups are allowed after March 31st. Please see the sign-up for the complete rules list.
    2. Two-Man Club Championship
      1. The entry fee is $40 per team which is due by March 31st.  No sign-ups are allowed after March 31st.  Please see the sign-up for the complete rules list.
    3. The Mueller Medal Play Championship
      1. Must have 10 rounds played in the calendar year to be eligible to play in this event.
      2. The championship flight will be played from the Black tees.
      3. Flights will be assigned as follows:
        1. Index 0-4.9 - Black
        2. Index 5-12.9 - Blue
        3. Index 13-19.9 - White
        4. Index 20 and above - Gold